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Hello! A small update for Mixtures.

A browser game made in HTML5

As I am writing this, it will soon be exactly 1 week left of the Brackeys game jam, and I couldn't be happier for joining it and how well Mixtures has been doing!

To celebrate, I have updated the page for Mixtures slightly, with a new background, snapshots on the side, as well as more information in the "more information tab" (well, I don't know if "tab" is the right word for it but I think you know what I mean).

As for what will happen to Mixtures once the jam is over, I can't say for sure, and even if I could I don't know if I would say. I unfortunately have a bad track record when it comes to keeping promises. But it is something I want to fix, especially since I've acidentally made some in my replies to comments on the game page, heh heh.

Oh but speaking of the comments. You. People. Are. Amazing. It has been a joy to read through all your comments, listen to all your feedback, and just, you all are so nice! And you all have made such fantastic games! Like honestly, I feel honored that a lot of you took the time to play my game and write a comment about it, because I look up to a lot of you as people and game devolopers! Just, thank you. Thank you!

I could go on and on, thank some more people, talk about my experiences making this game, but then we'd be here forever. Maybe I'll tell more some other time, maybe I won't, I don't know, so I guess we'll see!

Thank you for your time, go make some great games, and play some as well while you're at it.


- Cab

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