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Happy Screenshot Saturday! This week, here's a look at K.O.'d party members in the overworld!

A browser game made in HTML5

Hello, and happy Screenshot Saturday! This week, here's a look at how party members now show in the overworld when they're K.O'd!

Just like how party members in battle are grayed out when knocked out, they'll now match that with a desaturated, tired pose in the overworld too! They can still explore and talk, but they're in NO condition to fight. I mean, just LOOK at them! Marsh looks so cold...

I've always liked being able to do little details like this and seeing them in games, it was so cool how in Earthbound your K.O'd party members were little ghosts and how in Mother 3 they're real out of it, and this is our take on that concept! Hyades and Hyadians in general have a big emphasis on color, so them literally having the color and life drained out of them when they're beat was a no brainer.

While they won't show it in the overworld yet, you can TOTALLY knock out Marsh and crew in the demo! Give it a shot, you monster!


Psst: In case you missed it, HYADES and its lead dev were on a podcast! Check it out here!

But for now, stay safe, take care, and have fun!

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