is community of indie game creators and players


Alpha Completion

A downloadable game for Windows

Woo we have our Alpha Build completed!

This build includes all of our core features (Combat, Dialogue and Quest Systems, etc.) and has polished UI and Environment Artwork and Dialogue Sprites.  The art style was adjusted to better suit the Kat character and overall vibe of our game PRESS REKORD - the world tiles, game objects (such as crystals) and the UI was redrawn for this build. The Dialogue Sound Effects were redone and less prominent (to avoid irritation on the players part) and the other music was edited and implemented dynamically. Additionally, the Camera Movements were adjusted in correlation to our new and improved Level Layout design! 

Check out our Alpha Gameplay Video here:

In reflection, we found that for this build we were more prepared and balanced our time better leading up to the deadline to reduce crunching. While on the other hand, completing our Vertical Slice build (previous build) was quite hectic and time consuming near the end. To add, in order to prioritise certain things, the player character and rat enemy animations/sprites have not yet got their recolouring completed. Nevertheless, our Alpha project has the potential now to expand on its already existing features and fix any bugs that might be picked up during the upcoming playtest!

For the next few weeks, we plan to expand the level, include a boss battle, implement the new flying enemies, polish all the character animations/sprites and tighten up any minor issues.

If you're curious you can check out our previous blog here: Alpha Progress   

Or, you can have a look at our Vertical Slice Completion blog to see how far we've come!

Thank you for tuning in people!

Megan :)

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