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Mid Feb update

The Hotwife
A downloadable game

Hey all,

Nothing really big to report but I would like to try and keep providing semi regular updates.

The bar scene with Heather and Jo has been written, visualized and is almost complete. I need to add variables here and there for conversations and your "stats". On that topic. I have had to redo some of the prologue in regards to conversations variables. Going back I realized that there was a conversation tree that we impossible to get. That has been fixed. V 1.02 of the prologue will have that fix once I have gone through it again and inputted it into new organization software as detailed below.

This has been a giant learning experience and I have also learned that my organization is not keeping up. So I am retroactively inputting the scenes into a mindmap/script tool in order to help me keep track of variables and branches going forward. It is important to me to keep proper branching paths and options that are meaningful and not just have conversations that just provide lip service to choices. 

So I am both going through the prologue and working on Chapter 1 as home life permits and hope to get quite a bit more done in the next couple of days. My next planned update will be Friday and hopefully I have more for you all.

Thanks again for being here, 


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