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3d voiceChat

3D voiceChat
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

I'm learning Unity3D and networking on my freetime. This is my second multiplayer project. First was multiplayer snake game.

I didn't have any experience about websockets before. Not sure how voice should be sended and what kind of server is good for multiplayer.

This is done with Nodejs, socket io and is running on heroku. Not sure how many players heroku handles.

It's difficult to test voip etc. with desktop and laptop both running multiple exe's. 

I hope some people here would try this out. And maybe then i'd know what kind of game this project could handle.

Movement: arrows or WASD

Jump: space

!! Mic is muted by default

added ability to create/join chatrooms

I think characters movements is pretty smooth but voice quality isn't good.

Let me know what you think about project so far....

-minor bug fixes and added list of users and rooms to join


  • 22 MB
    Feb 14, 2021
Download 3D voiceChat
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