is community of indie game creators and players


v2.1.1 (It's Here!)

A browser game made in HTML5

Aw man, it feels great clicking on the "Major Update or Launch" box to create this post. Anyways, The 2.1.1 update for Dino's is here for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux! You can now download and play the updated version of Dino's, which now includes a few tester levels for the single player mode! I still need to build the Web Player version of Dino's, but I should hopefully finish that by today or tomorrow.

A few more announcements!

The Brackey's Game Jam is starting soon. Literally right after the Blackthorn Prod Game Jam. AAHAHAHAH!!! Anyways, this means that I won't be able to work on Dino's very much starting this Sunday to the next Sunday. I will, of course, be making my game for the game jam, so you can check that out once I'm finished!

Only the Window's version of Dino's 2.1.1 is guaranteed to work just fine. The Mac OS and Linux versions may not be entirely stable, due to my inability to test either versions. You can still play them, of course, and if you find any bugs, please tell me!

I'm trying to move everything related to Dino's to this page. This means that soon I'll be taking down the "Dino's (Downloadable)" game page. Doing this just helps with viewing analytics and updating the pages. Anyways, this page gets looked at more, so uh, yeah. 

Thanks a ton for sticking around and reading this post! Also thanks for checking out Dino's. It's very exciting to see that some people have seen my game. Anyways, see ya!


Hi guys! I just posted the complete 2.1.1 version of Dino's for WebGL. This means that you can just play it right in your web browser! I apologize if it took a little while, I was trying out a little thingy in the save system code that ended up working for once. Anyways, I've got to take a break now because I've been really busy. Hopefully you guys will enjoy the update to its fullest now!


  • Dino's Mac OS Version (NEEDS TESTING) 23 MB
    Feb 10, 2021
  • Dino's Linux Version (NEEDS TESTING) 25 MB
    Feb 10, 2021
Download Dino's
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