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They Shell Crack - V1.0.1

They Shell Crack
A downloadable game

Update Time!

It's time for the first They Shell Crack Update. Its not much, but it contains bugfixes for all bugs that were noticed AFTER the jam. Here's a fix list:

  • Monster eggs will spawn on a random doors footstep and stop preferring the right door
  • The player will actually die on a time-out game over
  • UI elements (e.g. the Game Over message) will be drawn ontop of everything else
  • Players won't get stuck out of bounds if they move through doors slow enough
  • The players gun will now always stick to the player, even after walking through a door
  • Adjusted muzzle position

Thank you for playing They Shell Crack!


  • They Shell 26 MB
    Feb 09, 2021
Download They Shell Crack
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