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Castle Constructor Alpha 3.0

Castle Constructor (Demo)
A browser game made in HTML5

The Castle Constructor 3.0 major update has been released. First up we have updated the in game links to a brand new survey. You can also find it here
For this build we worked on improving the game overall before we add new content. This will continue with February and March's updates as well.  First up we decided to improve the keep and switch to a larger keep that takes up three tiles. In addition the keep now shoots arrows at attackers to help fight them off. We worked on improving the pathfinding however there are still some a few issues left to solve (Sorry!). With the release of Unity 2020.2 we were now able to add in some ambient occlusion (As several people have suggested) to make the game look a bit better. Battlements seemed to miss a bit too often so we made the first arrow much more accurate and then each arrow shot after is a bit less accurate than the one before it. With this the first arrow is more accurate, the third arrow about matches the original accuracy and the later arrows are less accurate. Another big improvement we have made is a change to the end of wave card pack. Now you get two! One basic pack with some of the normal blocks and one pack with the special blocks. This way you can more easily play the special blocks and can build up a bit more over the 5 waves without needing to make the battles longer. Another nice improvement to the pack selection is the addition of a icon at the top left which you can place your mouse over to hide the pack selection screen and get a look at your castle. Now you can see what you have and what you need when deciding what packs to select.

The rest of the changes are listed below.

  • Updated to unity 2020.2 
  • Added ambient occlusion.
  • Fixed issue with arrows getting stuck in sections and floating in mid air.
  • Pathfinding changes. Changed from grind graphs to recast graphs which match the edge of tiles more closely.
  • Adjusted rocks to more accurately affect the pathfinding.
  • Changed the keep to a three tile keep with an actual model and which shoots arrows at enemies.
  • Removed the central river level while we figure out how we want to adjust it for the new keep.
  • Battlements have been adjusted to start more accurate but each additional arrow is less accurate than the previous.
  • Adjusted formations so that enemies are a bit closer together.
  • Adjusted the visible paths to update twice as often.
  • Adjusted the starting difficulty and the difficulty scaling.
  • Removed the crane pack as the crane is mostly useful only if you have it from the beginning


  • Castle Constructor Alpha 3.0 102 MB
    Feb 04, 2021
  • Castle Constructor Alpha 3.0 41 MB
    Feb 04, 2021
  • Castle Constructor Alpha 3.0 85 MB
    Feb 04, 2021
Download Castle Constructor (Demo)
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