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Release 3: First new shapes, experimental features, higher quality waves on Quest

A downloadable game for Windows and Android


Release 3! It features;

  • New shapes: The tunnel wave and tunnel square. These are specially made for 3D and work really well in VR. Give them a try when you can, you'll enjoy it a whole lot.
  • New panel: Extras! This is going to be where I put experimental features, such as a newly added 3D starfield. Works really good against a black background. The post processing adjustment features will be coming next update.
  • Updated: The hands and keyboard are now hidden in VR when you hide the main control panel, and the standard wave has a new feature; diagonal wave. This will make the wave act, like, uh. Kind of like it's been cut into 4 big pieces of pizza. It's hard to explain. Hmm.

Since last release there've been some people talking about audio. I'm working on that, but it might be maybe after next update, since I've got some big plans for the exact audio that'd be featured on a thing like this. There's so much potential, and audio is a big step, so I want it to be perfect.

As usual, if there are any issues, let me know!



  • 149 MB
    Jan 30, 2021
Download SpiralizerVR
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