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All aboard! Next stop pre-alpha!

Deity's Form Beta (v1.0)
A downloadable game for Windows

This week we're excited to show a pre-alpha demo of Deity's Form! We've been hard at work hammering out bugs and laying out a good gameplay experience for our players.  In this stage, the game will feature little to no narrative and be an infinite sequence of rooms for the players to fight through. It will allow us to demonstrate our main gameplay elements, pickups and enemy AI.

This week has been a hell of a trip though. Development has gotten to a point where when we sit down and open up the Unity Project, we can look at the project and say 'Oh my god, this is a game.' That might sound silly to most but up until now it's always just been referred to as 'the project' or 'the assignment', not as in we have no passion for the idea or see it as a chore but there just wasn't enough coherently there to call it a game. Calling it a game always seemed to arrogant in the stage it was in, and being able to pull everything together into this was like a rite of passage that made everything real. The difference simple sprites and sound effects can have on the entire feel of a game could not be demonstrated more than when the programming team were testing those very assets in Unity. It was like everything clicked into place and brought our confidence in the game to a never before seen high.

But what's coming now? Now, we rest for a small bit. The production crew has encouraged the entire team to take the next two weeks completely off from the project to enjoy the Holidays and New Years with their friends, family, alone or with their pets. However they want to unwind. Just as we hope you, the one reading this, can spend their holidays somewhere safe, warm and happy. In the new year, we'll have to get back to work as our next stop will be Alpha. Look forwards to more animations, bosses, story and more! From all of us at Bacon Bagels, Happy Holidays and thank you for following us on this journey.

Download Deity's Form Beta (v1.0)
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