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Game Walkthrough

A downloadable game for Windows

Step-By-Step Walkthrough to completing Escape!

  1. Approach the hole in the prison bars and look towards the green indicator - this green indicator will server as your waypoint and will guide you to areas of the map you need to go to -  An interaction button should appear on your screen. Press F to interact with the gap in the bars to crawl through the gap.
  2. (optional) Search the area for glowing purple gems, they can be used for currency to buy clues later. if you find any, make look at them and interact with them to pick them up
  3.  Go up the spiral stairs into the main room
  4. Search around the room and become familiar with it- look for more gems
  5.  Sit down on the stool by interacting with it
  6. talk to the laptop using the number keys in your keyboard
  7. pick the puzzle you want to play

Puzzle of light

  1. there are 4 cards missing. stand up from the stool and look around the room to  find the 4 missing cards
  2. once you have found all 4 cards, sit back down at the stool
  3. wait for all the cards to turn face down
  4. Click  on any card (the first card you click is always correct)
  5. Press W to look up, note the torches on the wall. the one that is lit will tell you which card to click next
    1. if the right-most light is lit, then click  the card that is placed right from the last card you clicked
  6. once there are no more adjacent cards face down from the last card you clicked, the puzzle will be complete

Puzzle of colour

  1. pick the laptop up from the table by interacting with it (you must be stood up first)
  2. move over to the barrel at the back of the room and place the laptop where the green indicator says
  3.  (optional) look at the picture frame on the wall. this tells you what colours to mix, and in what order
  4.  if at any point you make a mistake, interact with the bottle on top of the barrel to empty the bottle out and restart the puzzle
  5. you should mix the red potion, then the blue, then the white
  6. the laptop will ask you to take it back to the table. interact with the laptop and place it back on the table

Puzzle of heat

  1. at this point, you may have already noticed the key frozen in a block of ice on the shelf to the right of the laptop
  2. once you have started the puzzle, interact with the block of ice to pick it up
  3. take the key over to the fireplace
    1. you will note when you try to interact with the fireplace, it doesn't let you since you will burn your hand
  4. search for the cauldron in the room
    1. interact with it to pick it up
    2. move over to the fireplace and place the cauldron over the fire
  5. interact with the cauldron to place key inside
  6. interact one last time to get the key

Getting the final key

  1. use the key you received from completing the puzzle of light to unlock the door to the balcony
  2. use the key you received from completing the puzzle of colour to unlock the large chest
  3. use the key you received from completing the puzzle of heat to unlock the  smaller chest
  4. pick up the golden key
  5. try the golden key on the final door
  6. Escape!
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