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Minor fixes, next steps

Chronicles of Tal’Dun: The Remainder Demo
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hi fellow Magi, welcome to another update.

New Demo Build(v0.3) is up!

As you know, we put out the demo of The Remainder this week, and a few people were so taken in by the game that they gave us reviews that really made us feel good for creating this story. We've also received a number of bug reports and suggestions. Some of these have been implemented in a minor update, resulting in fewer typos, a bit clearer quick menus, and a much smaller download. 

Thank you for taking the time to play the game, and to help us improve it!

Some of the suggestions are a bit more technically challenging or time-consuming, so we may save those for a bigger update later, but there's no doubt in our mind that we'll keep finding ways of making the game better.

Future Plans

Speaking of that, some of the things we have in mind for future chapters of The Remainder are:

-More artwork for key scenes(art appearing on the left of the text box) depending on the budget we might have enough scene art to have a graphic novel-like experience, that is the ideal anyway.

-Animated art/CGs, we were already experimenting with these during production of the demo, you might have seen some results here and there if you follow our social media. We'd like to explore these more and bring a new level of immersion and excitement to the game.

(Check out the attached video for a sample of the kind of art we're talking about.)

-More and better polished music. We've only began experimenting with music production a few weeks ago, and we want to keep learning and improving on that aspect.

-More characters; At least one other key character has been hinted at in the demo, we'd like to make a proper story branch for them, Devas know they're itching for their time in the light. ;)

What would you like to see more of? We're interested in hearing from the people who enjoy our game and see if there are ways to make them happy that still fit within our vision for the world and the story. 

How you can support us

Did we mention that we received our first donation on Whoever you are, thank you! 

It was $2, the first monetary support we've received for making games so far, does it make us "real game devs" now?  :p

The truth is, we would really like to make this game, so much so that we would probably do it regardless of support. 

But without any money coming in, we will have to work on the side to pay the bills, and only use our spare time to work on The Remainder.

So, whatever support you give us will buy us some free time to spend on the game. 

Our goal then is to receive enough that we don't have to work on the side, and can devote ourselves to making our games and telling our stories. To that end, no support is unappreciated, however big or small. Thanks for helping us get there!

That's all for this update, stay safe, be happy, and see you soon! 

-Ze and Nim


  • 366 MB
    Version 2
  • 383 MB
    Version 2
Download Chronicles of Tal’Dun: The Remainder Demo
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