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v0.19.5 - Sprites and Triggers!

Mountain View Bakery
A downloadable game

Version 0.19.5
-Created all game character spritesheets and added them to the database (0.15.5)
-Removed gate to back entrance in Central Plaza (0.0.5)
-Reworked Central Plaza back entrance triggers to include variable check (0.0.5)
-Reworked triggers for West Beach, West Residential, and Central Plaza to check for "NewinTown" variable (0.0.5)
-Implemented roll check for 5 random dialogue options on "NewinTown" when trying to return to train station from West Beach (0.0.5)


I've been putting off creating the character spritesheets, but I finally got around to it! Those count as a large chunk of the version as I can now get the sprites into the engine and start working on interactions, quests, pathing, etc. The next steps will be to focus on scripting the New in Town quest and getting the player to a point where they can more freely explore the town and its surrounding areas. This quest will likely involve the most scripted pathing, at least for the early game, so it'll almost certainly be the star of the next update!

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