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Happy Screenshot Saturday! This time, we've got even MORE houses for Ruth's neighborhood!

A browser game made in HTML5

Hello, and happy Screenshot Saturday! Today we've got even more houses to show off, including a before and after process!

While the work that I in particular have been doing is under wraps for now... Jonathan ( and Fanfic  ( have been hard at work creating the assets for Ruth's neighborhood! Jonathan  made the sketch, and Fanfic cleaned it up! I'm so thankful to have such talented teammates and friends!

Just check out that cabbage patch with little gnome guardian, it's adorable! The brick chimney on the other's also got a lot of charm too!

Of course, you can check out ALL of our team's work by playing our demo over at! Let us know what you think, we've worked really hard!

For now of course, stay safe, take care, and have fun!

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