Version 1.09 Update
Posted January 10, 2021 by Ramza
#bugfix #independent-items #ItemCore #crafting #rpgmaker
Greetings all.
I have uploaded version 1.09 of the MZ Crafting System Plugin, which corrects the following bug:
- (Jan 10 2021 @1604 GMT) (Revision A): Corrected an issue where upon starting a new game, the player would be given a duplicate set of the starting equipment of the starting party members
- (Revision A): Corrected an issue where in a very specific case, where a recipe that required more than one of a certain independent ingredient, could use a specific instance of that ingredient to pass additive traits onto the result item, and then not remove that item from the inventory upon crafting completion, instead removing another instance of the item with a lower itemId.
- This could result in an exploit where players could stack a particularly power set of traits onto one ingredient item, and constantly re-use it to gain the traits on multiple result items, without having to remake the ingredient item.
- When using ItemCore, removing items from the player inventory via event command now functions correctly, and removes the correct amount of those items, instead of always removing one.
This was a bug with the original MV version of the plugin, which a user found earlier today, and was also affecting the MZ version.
To download the updated plugin, either redownload it from the shop page, or download it again from your library.
That's all for this update: