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Happy Screenshot Saturday! Here's a preview of some houses we've been working on for Ruth's neighborhood!

A browser game made in HTML5

Hello, and happy Screenshot Saturday! This time, we've got a sneak peek at some of the work we're doing in Ruth's neighborhood!

For this particular map, we're going to be implementing parallax mapping! In layman's terms, we're making a picture and assigning collision to it instead of making a bunch of little tiles and assembling in-engine. We've done this for maps before (the Warehouse in the Prologue is the prime example of this), but since I was working solo back then, it was EXTREMELY labor-intensive to make. But thankfully, I'm not working alone anymore! With any luck, this map will be much easier to produce since we've got an array of talented and hard-working team members behind us! For example, these two houses were made by the wonderful!

Of course, you can check out the current housing market and MORE of Fanfic's work by playing the demo today! Check it out at! We'd love your thoughts and opinions on it!

For now, take care, and have fun!

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