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TrackMaster enters Early Access!

TrackMaster: Free-For-All Motorsport
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hi everyone, Marcos Saito here, developer of TrackMaster!

TrackMaster is really a project I have began because of those moments of "if no one is making the game I want to play, I'll make it". I want the physics and chaos of the old Destruction Derby games, the freedom of old games like Interstate'76 and of modern games like BeamNGDrive, the crazy modes of Test Drive: Eve of Destruction, the mayhem of Twisted Metal (the first one), the Monster Trucks from Monster Truck Madness, all this with split screen multiplayer, and more, much more, is that too much to ask?

And now, after 1 year of development, and 6 months on, TrackMaster: Free For All Motorsport enters early access phase!

This means the game is now availble for you to buy it, and from now on, the development cycle will be consistent, with new vehicles, tracks and game modes being added at a regular basis. 

I've spent the last months making improvements in the code, code structure and menus structure, so that the game is ready for more content: vehicles, tracks and game modes!

This also means a couple more things:

  1. The full version of the game is now version 0.1. The only game mode available is free roam, but now with the possibility of computer controlled vehicles. And, although free roam is the only option, the AI vehicles will behave according to each arena: in the race tracks they will (try) to race, in the free arenas, they will just roam or try to be at a specific point, like in the new Master of the Hill Arena. Bear in mind that the computer is pretty bad at driving at the moment, and by this I mean, really bad...
  2. The demo version is now at version 0.1 too.
  3. Wait, this means that, right now, the demo and the full game are the same? Yes. And I took this decision so that anyone who wants to buy the game now, will make an informed decision, and will do so more as a way of contributing to future development than as a way of having a finished game right now. I do plan to release one update for the full game, still in january, with at least one more vehicle and one more track. You can expect, along 2021, at least monthly updates, with one vehicle and/or track each. So, a few months from now, the full game will have way more vehicles, tracks and game modes than the demo.
  4. You can see how I'm planning to develop the game along 2021 in the table below. This table will always be updated, and I will present these updates here, on and at
  5. So, the plan:
    1. 0.5 is planned to the end of 2021. The game at this point will feature all the vehicles (7 classes, with a varying number of models inside each class, to a total of 15 models), 11 tracks (plus the tracks variations) and 14 game modes planned now.
    2. 1.0 (end of early access phase) is planned to the middle of 2022. The game at this point will feature on-line multiplayer, LAN multiplayer, track editor and of course, more vehicles, tracks and game modes are going to be made.
    3. Nothing prevents some features to come out earlier than planned, like on-line multiplayer, I just can't promise it now.
    4. After 1.0, free updates with more of everything described above, and, why not, some new and cool things, like an open world, real world tracks, steering wheel support, vehicle destruction (with soft body!), missions and scenarios... but this are just dreams right now and I can't promise any of this.

So, the idea is to build a racing game that is easy to play, with a nice balance of fun and physics simulation, so that there are always new stuff to do and try, but that you can play in a relaxed way if you want. As long as the game proves to be good and is financially viable, I don't plan to abandon it after some features have being added, it could go on for years, why not!?

I really like the way games like Euro/American Truck Simulator, BeamNGDrive, Cities Skylines and Elite Dangerous are made: with great involvement from a community and constant and free updates and improvements. I don't think I'm going for the paid DLC way, even for the big content updates. I like the idea of a game you can have at the beginning, with just a few features, but a solid foundation, and years later you are still able to have fun with it, but with much more content, and more important, with no more money for it.

So, if you like the idea of a racing game to play the way you want, with any vehicle that comes to your mind, in crazy tracks, with lots of chaos, mayhem and solid physics, I hope you can enjoy the game from now on!

Download TrackMaster: Free-For-All Motorsport
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