is community of indie game creators and players


Finishing Touches

Wizard's Adventure
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

This is it! on December 21st this game will be officially available to the public! These past few weeks have been playthrough after playthrough, running into every corner, mashing the keyboard, and cleaning up code. It has been a long journey and I am so happy to share it with everyone! 

The release date is the same day as the winter solstice, which I think is fitting. This game was a culmination of around 300 hours of work, the majority of it was spent this past summer of 2020 while stuck inside due to the pandemic. I was so close to finishing but college got in the way. I was able to spend a few days here and there adding small pieces. I am very happy to have finished it before the year was over, which was my goal.

If there are any issues with the game please let me know! I would like to fix any issues that still arise. This game was a huge learning experience for me and as much as I would love to charge for it, I do not want to hide my work behind a paywall. Please feel free to pay what you think is deserving! this includes zero if you just want to play it. I would much rather you play my game than I make money.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this! ALL of the money I make off of this game will go to hiring a real artist to make the art for my next game!

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