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Hornstown 4.83

Hard Times in Hornstown
A downloadable game

A small update before next week's big one. The most important thing is a long-awaited fix to the firefighter storyline, the station will no longer suddenly stop calling you in for emergencies.
There are also some smaller fixes and a bunch of new things for Alpha Access players to toy around with.
Other than that, nothing to report, we are on track for new content to drop next week.

- Alpha access players can now jump right into the Firefighter storyline
- Alpha access players can now equip the Bondage mask and the Lifeguard outfit directly from the trainer without having to play the relevant storylines


- Fixed the bug which would sometimes break the firefighter storyline during longer play sessions
- Bondage mask and Lifeguard outfit can now be worn by Himbo players - Fixed a bug where the schedule would get stuck on the same day in the himbo storyline
- Fixed a bug where the wrong outfit would appear in certain tasks in the 'Service with a Smile' storyline
- Fixed a bug where you sometimes could not access the beach even when wearing swimwear during certain storylines


    Dec 16, 2020
Download Hard Times in Hornstown
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