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Happy Screenshot Saturday! This time, we're taking a sneak peek at another party member's skill: Marsh's Aquarius!

A browser game made in HTML5

Hello, and happy Screenshot Saturday! We're here today with a preview of another party member's new skill, and some bonus news!

Aquarius is a Moon-oriented move centered around splash damage! Marsh can attack a single target to deal one big blow, and the resulting tidal wave does residual damage to all other targets. If you need help keeping the crowds down or spot an opportunity to capitalize on sign weaknesses, Aquarius is the skill for you!

As for the bonus news, we've finally finished up our work with refactoring the move database for the game, as well as finished programming all planned party skills for this Chapter! Progress continues!

Of course, if you want to sink your teeth into the current publicly available chapter, check out our demo at for both browser and download! Let us know if you give things a go!

For now, stay safe, have fun, and take care!

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