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Day 3 Retrospective

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hey everyone! This time we have pretty much a full working game!!! Now you can properly walk on rooms, shoot enemies, get shot by enemies and die, and reach the ending of the level. Also we got builds for mac and linux too so everyone can play.

I spent pretty much the beginning of the day just thinking about these stuff, because I still didn't have the combat very clear in my had I needed to think about everything, like how the rooms work with enemies, does the enemies walk around between rooms following you? Do they lose sight, do they patrol? How do the enemies and level interact with each other? The path I choose was kind of already in my head but I had to think about all possibilities to make sure which was correct.

In the end I decided to stick with a standard "binding-of-isaac"-like approach in which the player enters a room, it locks and show enemies, the player fights the enemies and the doors unlock after that. It kind of fits the spaceship theme where you get access to enter a room but after you enter it you are not allowed to leave until you clean the infestation. Pretty simple but not so much easy to do.

Specially because I wanted to use navmesh for my enemies AI because, you know, I don't want them to be dumb. But then I found out that you can't natively have navmesh baked on prefabs in unity, you must bake in the scene, and that SUCKS. I mean, every roguelike must have the entire environment broken down into prefabs because you literally instantiate the level pieces on runtime.

But I found a solution for that, there is a official unity git where you can download the navmesh system scripts and attach them to your prefabs to generate those sweet navmesh-baked prefabs. Hooray.

If you want to get it too here is the link: (Thanks to my pal Victor Nunes who helped me find this out)

Anyway with that done I decided to do some basic combat with enemies spitting stuff at you just to have that done. I figured that even if I don't have the details of the combat figured out that was the minimum I had to do anyway. It took the rest of the day for me, also its sunday so I decided to take some more time to relax instead of getting more things done. Since it's a 10-day long gamejam I don't really want to burnout in the first days. I'm not a Bugbuster anyway so I can relax. lol Thanks for reading so far, stay tuned for future posts and updates.


  • BugBusters Prototype V0.3 (WINDOWS).zip 17 MB
    Dec 07, 2020
  • BugBusters Prototype V0.3 (MAC).zip 20 MB
    Dec 07, 2020
  • BugBusters Prototype V0.3 (LINUX).zip 22 MB
    Dec 07, 2020
Download Bugbusters
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