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Beta Build

Tantamount To Life
A downloadable game

VER 3.0 (Beta Build)

Lots of changes in this build. All the core mechanics and features now exist

# Features

- Player can block by holding right click while in the targeting state (holding shift). Enemies cannot harm you while in this state.

- Player now has a visible gold counter. Gold acts as your score, collect as much as you can!

- Chests are now interactable, press spacebar to open them and find gold

- Gold can be collected by approaching it and pressing spacebar

- Health pickups. Replenish one heart each time you pick one up

- Enemies now take damage from your attacks


- Game now restarts on player death

- Player now has a visible health meter. Taking damage is now reflected in the health meter

- Enemies can now fall from heights just like you do

-Players and Enemies have a Shader applied to them that makes them flicker red when they get damaged.

- Player is now invulnerable as long as they are flickering immediately after taking damage.

# Technical 

- Physics Layermasks greatly improve proper falling down states

- Player camera now tracks for collisions with scene geometry and moves accordingly

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