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How was made Prison Scapist - Release 1.0

Prison Scapist
A downloadable game for Windows

The game was developed for academic purposes with the aim of learning about the whole process of developing a video game and the different free software and tools that are used today.

In order to develop the video game, the following phases were carried out:

  • Planning and design phase: This phase was made the design document where the concept of the video game, the dynamics, mechanics, characters, enemies, ETC. In addition to the approach of the game itself, the characteristics of 3D art, audio and interface design, as well as the flow of the game itself, were also considered.
  • Blender Production Phase: In this phase the different 3D models were made, both the main character, enemies and other static objects of decoration of the stage. Each of these models were made in Blender, making from the base model of each of the parts of each character, its texturing, the assignment and creation of each of the materials, rigging and finally the necessary animations. This phase was done using the different main tools of Blender and its correct use in all the workflow.
  • Production Phase in Unity3D: After creating the different characters and models in Blender, each of them was exported to Unity3D and began to make each of the environments or levels, for this we used the Unity3D ProBuilder tool to make the prison, also to achieve a proper placement of each of the elements was used ProGrids, also a Unity3D tool, another tool used was post processing volumes to make the game look better. Each one of these tools helped to the correct development of the video game.  After having the different elements of the level, we programmed the physics and animations of the different models with animations (Skinned Mesh), to make the movements and inputs to control the main character, we made a BlendSpace of the different animations, also with the enemies. Having already the movement and physics of each of them, followed by this was programmed the artificial intelligence of the different enemies of the game, using a navigation agent (NavMeshAgent), which is another tool of Unity3D that helps the automatic movement from one point to another of a NPC. In addition to the movement of each of the enemies, also programmed different behaviors for the enemy perform different actions. Finally, the user interface was made using Unity3D's UI tools, as well as its transitions to create a good user experience. After that, the player's settings were programmed, also as an automatic saving system.
  • Testing Phase: In this phase, besides testing each of the mechanics that were being programmed, we also tested the executable of the video game in Windows, trying to make everything work correctly and trying to improve the game and removing bugs and errors that were appearing.

All this workflow took 6 months to obtain a result of a final version of the video game with 6 different levels and with ideas of possible improvements in the story of the video game as well as in gameplay. With all this process, experience and knowledge was acquired throughout the development process of a video game, getting experience in C# Programming, Design and 3D Modeling and animation, also as in Unity3D and Blender as the main software used.

I really recommend the use of these free software, they offer different tools very complete that will allow you to make different projects, either video game or virtual environments. I really like the videogames, I had a lot of fun making this videogame, even if it is short and it takes me more than the estimated time, I think that with all that I learned and the experience acquired from here on I will be able to make better videogames that offer a better experience and have a high impact on the community, I hope you liked it and more than anything you had fun, see you in the comments. :D


  • 163 MB
    Dec 02, 2020
Download Prison Scapist
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