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v1.3.0 released (The Godot rewrite)

A browser game made in HTML5

Whew.. It is finally done. And according to release dates, it took quite a long time (85 days). The reason for the long wait for a ‘proper’ new version is because I’ve been working on changing the engine the game is running on. I was using Game Maker Studio 2 previously and the whole game was basically redone on the Godot engine. The reason was that my license for GMS2 is about to expire at the start of 2021, which would render me unable to export my game in .exe format. I could renew my license, but I was not sure if I’d wanted to, because the game started to ‘grow out’ of GMS2. I noticed myself bumping into more and more inconveniences and the engine started to show it’s ‘dark side’. I’ve stumbled upon Godot some time ago, researched it, did some simple test games, and was really satisfied it. I’m more than happy to say that Godot will surely stay.


  • The game was pretty much rewritten from zero (new or ‘weird’ behaviors expected)
  • Pause is removed, and might leave it that way because it is unnecessary
  • File settings tweaking is currently unavailable
  • Some new sounds and animations here and there (more to come)
  • 2D spatial sounds (Sounds can be heard from left and right channels according to the position of the origin)
  • Brand new post-game screen
  • Mini-achievements that can be collected for a single match
  • Cool floating text effect on specific interactions
  • Better particle effects


  • Papope v1.3.0 14 MB
    Nov 30, 2020
Download Papope
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