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gen 2 fixed + gen 3 early access notes

I'm just putting this info here before I edit the post tomorrow, since these patch notes will be removed


NEW for gen 2 fix (also included in gen 3 early access):

  • Fleshed out the strings a little more for the notifications - I haven't added relationship loss specifically for close rels though, as it's still autonomous and has no cooldown by design.
  • The speech bubble might have a different colour sprout (purely aesthetic, for now...)
  • Fixed up some in-law relations: some one-way rels were going the wrong way and some rels were created that shouldn't exist (for example, your spouse's child is not your child-in-law, but either your child or step-child), so the whole "I'm your father and your daughter-in-law" thing should stop!
  • Added support for multiple relations: for example, "I'm your second cousin and second cousin" will now be formatted to "I'm your double second cousin". I haven't done anything special if it's not the exact same relationship that's repeated - I don't know how you'd reword something like "second cousin and half second cousin".

NEW for gen 3 early access (these features will be free from 19 nov, but if you do have a couple of pounds to spare please consider supporting me): .json files!

The idea behind this is that when you delete a sim or one is culled by the game so that it runs better, you lose any relationship connections that go via this sim. If you use riv_save, then some of this sim's details will be saved to a file outside of the game. With my mod you can see relations between two sims in the game where the connection involves sims that are no longer in the game, but have been saved with this mod! This feature is completely optional, and it might seem a little daunting at first, so here's a quick rundown:

Enter riv_save yourwordhere to create your file (and if you want to add rels from previous versions of the save, run this command in each of them; the order in which you do this doesn't matter as the mod will keep most recent info for each sim). To use these relations in the game, enter riv_load yourwordhere after you've loaded into a lot (only needs to be done once per session; this will persist until you use riv_clear or exit the game). If you want to easily update the list (both in the .json file and in memory, ie. available in the game) during your session, then run riv_update yourwordhere. You only need to use riv_clean yourwordhere if there are duplicates in the .json file, riv_mem to see how many sims are currently in memory (these will be used to check relations), and riv_clear if you want to stop using this list and only use sims in the game (for performance issues, if you're tired of seeing half 14th cousins, or if there are errors in my new code - in which case, please let me know! I've done my best to test it fully).

If you want to remove sims from the .json file, you can just open it in Notepad++ and delete the entry, making sure that you've got rid of the entire entry (including the curly brackets and the comma). Note that if they haven't been culled, then they'll be re-added next time you use riv_save.

All of these commands are listed under console commands below, and can be found when using the riv_help command!


  • riv_rel - 5 nov 48 kB
    Nov 05, 2020
Download [unsupported] riv_rel - genealogy mod for sims 4
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