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AEC Sandbox
A browser game made in HTML5

-Damn it, forgot to delete the warning on the office choices. Fixed
-Fixed some other thing I forgot, too

-Built a CCTV viewer node tree in the office; you can “watch” recordings of things that have happened. Also added a few entries -Another easter egg
-Added in the “disaster” section of the recordings; most of this will NOT be sexy
-New Dettna recording
-More recordings, yadda yadda. Definitely cutting back on reporting every time I add a new one

-Fixed a typo, saw a second one, then misplaced it before I could fix it
-Removed the easter egg counter
-Restructured the CCTV viewer a bit and moved the “bad” stuff into its own node
-More CCTV content
-More typos. I might start using the proofreading feature in Twine if I keep finding random ones like this
-Eh, moved all of the CCTV content into the groups; easier to manage and makes the nodes look nicer, too
-Added a long Saedi dream chain

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