Posted December 31, 2017 by Hanon Ondricek
I had hoped to have Breeding Princesses of the Plaplah Lublahblahblah (future note to self: choose shorter titles) completely done for both iterations of Lewdjam2017 but I missed the first one, and decided to only post the first portion as a demo to the second instead since of missing it completely. Originally with this, as at various times in the past, I had intended to slap down a quick and dirty romp, but during the writing process I started enjoying the world more and more, and my imagination fired up with all sorts of character situations and possibilities that I wanted to include. Hopefully, I will complete this in early 2018 after a short break (oh god, a short break - do I really get a sh-). Thanks for having a look at my weird game, and I'm sorry in advance and in retrospect for any trauma that ensues as a result.
The title actually came about in an online discussion where we were talking about things that offend people, and in turn joking about how we could really offend people, and I came up with that title. It is sort of a riff on Leather Goddesses of Phobos which was probably the height of naughtiness Infocom could actually get away with using as a top level title and still sell at retail. So Breeding Princesses (Shmunah PrahblahLabalblablalblbllb) is sort of the Snakes on a Plane type of thing where the title comes about first, and it ends up so suggestive of more that it's impossible not to actually see where it goes.
Major influences, intentionally and unintentionally: LEXX, Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, Leather Goddesses of Phobos, 70's porn, 80's porn.