Over The River Patch note V1.3
Posted November 11, 2020 by Pioure
This article contains major changes and bug fixes that make the game work as the team intended :
Discover our trailer at the bottom of the post !
Level design has been reworked to provide a smoother, less frustrating gameplay
- Main Menu, pause and end screen are now controlled by host only.
- Added tutorial text with animation at the start of a game
- Added animated beaver bridges, players need to idle on a highlighted zone to open the way
- Added background animation when game pauses and ends
- Rafts, characters and some rocks size are slightly decreased to make navigation easier
- Fixed font that wasn't displaying properly
- Fixed a bug when character selection would break and displays the same characters twice
- Menu's controller method are restored and works properly
- Crocodiles speed and colliders adjusted
- Removed some elements (Water flows, rocks, crocodiles) to provide players with more navigation space
Over The River - Official Launch Trailer