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Young Maria v8.4.0! New scenes

Young Maria v2
A browser game made in HTML5

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I'll change my name to MilkyNail soon. Just a reminder

Hello, boys and girls! I already feel better, and let's see what I managed to work on these weeks.
I wrote a lot in the previous post, and, to be honest, I don't have much to add. Well, I want to say thank you to Rachael and WetWorksStrories. They help me a lot:3 Also, the deadline draws near for a man I hired to create the site for me. He's doing a good job. Let's hope we won't have any problems with it.

UPD 8.4.0
- Added a scene "Mother's Toy", made by WetWorksStories. You can find the link to it in the parents' bedroom, every day, between 9 and 15 hours, with a 25% chance. It is a huge scene, and I almost didn't change it. Oh, yeah, you should have more than 30 points of Corruption to see it all
- Improved granddad's chance to run into you at the Farm
- Fixed endlessly adding Ralf's collar. Plus, now you put it on when you receive it
- Finally, added the ability to see who is the father of your baby. It's a bit rough yet..
- And Rachel wrote the first scenes for that system. If your baby's father is your own dad (o-la-la), you have a 66% chance to see the Happy acceptance and 33% chance to see the disappointment in his eyes - Bad reaction
- Added another Dream scene by Rachael - Robbery Gone Wrong
- Worked on some basic passages like Stats or StoryAuthor. Removed "current clothes check" passage from Stats
- Added "Back" links to Stats, Smartphone, Help, and Character Info menus. Mobile players asked me to do this. Okay, here you are
- Worked on some interactions with parents, fixed a couple of silent errors (like wrong clothes reaction)
- Added a picture of the cave (Cave Dream, the one with wolves), made by MidJuChan

Well, be safe and warm! See you next weekend! And thank you again for your patience<3

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