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Intermediate Game Dev Midterm
A browser game made in HTML5

Week 1: 

I made the grid generator. Procedurally generating an isometric grid was new to me. I looked up the math of isometric tiles here. Very helpful tutorial. I also tried to figure out using the Unity built-in tilemap system, but I didn't really figure it out. I wasn't sure if you could use prefabs in them or just sprites. I needed each individual tile to be its own gameObject. Moreover, I tried to figure out how to calculate the distance between tiles. It's math, again. This is the formula I learned: |x1 - x2| + |y1 - y2| = D. It's called the manhattan distance formula. Sounds cool.

Week 2: 

I added some UI to the game.  A sidebar. Tile highlights for movement and attack. I added a turn limit. I added in enemies, buildings, HP, different characters. I also added a transparent copy of the selected character to show where it's going. I tried to do a more sophisticated pathfinding system but I failed. Oh well.

Week 3: 

I redid most of Enemy AI. I just realized what I did earlier was much more complicated than needed, and also it wasn't working. Should have paid more attention in high school math classes. Polished the game. I replaced the placeholders from the Unity asset store with my own assets. I also added audio effects. The music credit goes to Alex Castonguay -- a friend of mine from high school. He's an awesome music composer. I added an enemy HP display.


I learned a lot from playtesting. First of all, it's amazing to see my classmates' work. They are amazing. About my own game -- I think the main problem lies in player guidance. I don't have enough tutorialization for the player. It's kind of hard to pick up the game if you haven't played Into the Breach before. The player didn't really know that you were supposed to move and also attack in the same round.  Perhaps I could write an instruction. Also, the game was too hard. I doubt it was even possible to win. I changed the difficulty afterwards. Now, player characters have fewer moves, so you have to strategize more. But the level HP is greatly increased, so you won't lose as likely. 


  • 7 MB
    Oct 29, 2020
  • Midterm 8 MB
    Nov 02, 2020
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