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Castle Constructor Alpha 2.3

Castle Constructor (Demo)
A browser game made in HTML5

Castle Constructor Alpha 2.3 has been released. This update has a number of good fixes, improvements, and some new content. A new section, the ballista, has been added to the game. This section shoots a large high damage bolt but can only aim in one direction at a time. The player can right click on the section to rotate which way it is facing so they can point it towards enemies. Currently this section is a bit weak and it will likely be buffed in a future update. Next up the murder holes section has been changed. Rather than dropping rocks automatically on only one side, now the player activates it (with a right click or clicking the activation button) and it drops rocks on all open sides. The section starts with 1 charge and gets an additional one with each wave so you can stock up on uses and then activate it as needed.

Based on player feedback the number of waves per level has been increased from 3 to 5. This makes the Treadwheel Crane section more useful and gives you more time to build up before having to start over again.

We are still working hard on the game and have a lot more we want to do before reaching beta. If there is anything you would love to see or found an issue that needs to be fixed please let us know our new survey. The links to it are in this version of the game or you can follow the link here

The full change log follows:

  • Added the Ballista section and a new pack that contains it
  • Changed Murder Holes section to be an activated section.
  • The Cheval de Frise now correctly passes through trees and rocks rather than getting caught on them.
  • Removed arrow trails
  • Cards in hand are now deselected when the card pack selection window pops up.
  • Minor performance improvement on load, probably not too noticeable though.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could be hit multiple times by the same arrow.
  • Fixed issue with levels after 6 having the first level's difficulty instead of continuously getting harder.
  • Fixed the new pack selection incorrectly showing up after beating the last level.
  • Fixed issue with the game triggering both losing and beating a wave when the last enemy enters the center and takes the last of the player's health. This is now counted solely as a loss as it should have been.
  • Working on replacing the current range indicators with a new system that performs much better. Will greatly improve performance while positioning sections that have a range.


  • Castle Constructor Alpha 2.3 71 MB
    Nov 01, 2020
  • Castle Constructor Alpha 2.3 51 MB
    Nov 01, 2020
  • Castle Constructor Alpha 2.3 63 MB
    Nov 01, 2020
Download Castle Constructor (Demo)
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