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Menus & Design - Devlog #4

Mallow's Forest of Freaks
A downloadable game

As you may have seen in the last devlog focusing on art, the art implementation process involved creating more detailed white-box assets. These uncoloured lineworks will serve as complete assets until they are coloured in further down the line. This will be done much closer to the launch of the game- after every linework asset is completed and implemented into the demo scene. 

The design logic behind this would mean a good-looking scene would be much easier to achieve in a quicker time, increasing workflow and figuring out which assets look good in-scene as opposed to others without wasting time colouring them. Another logical aspect is that completed, recoloured assets can easily be swapped out using the 'Peek- Editor Toolkit' using a simple right-click and select. 

This week, menus were worked on and now function as they should. In the next few days, drafted white-box art will be implemented and designed to look synonymous with the game's aesthetic. Simple menus will be in mind, complimentary colours of blues and oranges will mostly be used, along with buttons that do not have sharp edges, but do not look bubbly at the same time. A style guide will be published further down the line to reflect these design decisions. 

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