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[Run] It
A downloadable game for Windows


Welcome to our game, [RUN]it !

With this being our first DevLog post, we thought we should share a little something about ourselves and what we hope to bring to the table in the coming months. We are Developing a fast-paced, action-packed first person parkour game with the hopes of creating an immersive experience for players. Centred around a simulation and the entities that co-exist inside, the game will be our most ambitious project to date.

Now, a little something about ourselves! We are a development studio of 3 guys from Ireland; Brian, Max and Stephen.


Brian - "Hey guys, I'm Brian! I am the lead designer and audio engineer on the game, as well as the head of marketing and socials. I have a lengthy history in video games, and am greatly looking forward to producing this game with these guys! I'm a huge fan of FPS games and Racing Sims, and am a seasoned photographer/videographer. I'm hoping to help bring you all the most immersive  and engaging action-adventure experience you can imagine with [RUN]it!"

Max - "Hey, I'm Max the Lead Programmer! I dabbled with parkour once upon a time (that was before I discovered coding!). I hope to make our game convey the same sense of expression and personal growth which I got from the experience. I love all sorts of games, but particularly ones that involve mastering a specific set of skills/mechanics. Apart from gaming, I like to dance and make music!"

Stephen - "Whats up, I'm Stephen, the Lead Artist. I'll be in charge of creating the models and textures for our game. Hopefully I can create a number of stunning environments and assets for your viewing pleasure! I'll play any game, but I've got a particular affinity with strongly narrative-driven games; Bloodborne and RDR2 being two of my favourites."

We'll keep you posted on all developments as they arise on here and on our socials, so keep in touch!

Catch you in the next one.

- [RUN]it team

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