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What's Next for the Little Burned Maiden Dev

Little Burned Maiden
A downloadable scrappy game project for Windows and macOS

An Open Letter to my dear Auralists,

How's it going everyone?

It's me! The release of Little Burned Maiden was honestly, remarkably successful in comparison to what I expected. Thank you all again so much! Furthermore, I have been shocked to hear about people who, not only played the game who did not know me first, but figured out how to get to the credits without my help. Wow! It's been a trip...

But one cannot wallow in one's past successes. Forward march! What's next for Amaiguri, the dev of the Little Burned Maiden?

Honestly, I've got school to focus on again for right now and I am making FOUR GAMES for school. As all 16 of my long time fans probably know, my school eats the intellectual property of all my games, so I cannot release any of the ones I am making right now on However, I will be putting them all on my website so please be excited for that this upcoming December! Excitement! Free games! Wooooo!

Two of the games are set in my DigiPen-safe (that's my school) IP of Ricocheteers--a fantasy, anime version of the First World War. I like World War I better as a setting than World War II because there's a lot more moral ambiguity. It's a great example of a lot of people just... being people. People being products of their times, but doing their best, and then conflict ensuing anyway. What isn't there to love about moral ambiguity and trench warfare poetry?

Now, you might be saying, "Belle, free games? I HATE free things! I want to give you money for games! How can I possibly do that if I've already bought Little Burned Maiden?" Well, fear not! I have two PREMIUM experiences left in the works. I'm still debating between which one to focus on first and I will need to do some market research to determine which one to try to make... As of now, both of them are in pre-production. And by "pre-production", I mean, I'm thinking about them and talking about them and writing all my ideas down and grabbing reference and all that.

The first of the two games is a Worldbuilding Game, reminiscent of character dress-up tools such as Picrew, except focused on Worldbuilding. I adore worldbuilding and almost everyone I know plays D&D and wishes they could play D&D all the time. I also always want a way to see the worlds that other people have in their heads and the friends they make there. When I was in 6th grade, I wrote "world letters" to my friends about the things happening in my imaginary world. And they wrote back! Lots of game devs make games based on their childhoods... so I want to make a game to capture that aspect of mine (which, to be honest, never REALLY went away because I'm still doing it...)

The second I am considering is... what every game dev does: Take Little Burned Maiden and slap a 2 on it! Just kidding. Kinda. I want to make another game in the same world. Should it follow my spider-mailmen in the Middle East and their complicated Stock Market? Or the return of Riavh Solais, the Once and Future Emperor? Or the half-Demon Princess and her rise to power amongst more powerful Demons? Or should I follow the heartbreaking betrayal of a certain character? Or the AI Philosopher King and her tenuous rule in the South? I don't know, I just have so many cool options!

Anyway, I'd love your feedback on what you wanna see! For what reasons do you want to fund my bubble tea addictions? Let me know in the comment section below and I'll see you guys around for whatever I do next!

From my heart to yours <3


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