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UPDATE 10/19/2020!

Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Morning, guys! What's up?
I assume winter is coming for you? Is it already snowing outside?

For me, raining season is coming and I have a feeling that when it hits, it'll hit hard OuO; 
Yesterday, it rains and the lightning was so big and loud, it lights up the sky--I could've sworn it strike somewhere close to my house!

But you know what? My neighbor scared me more than the lightning lol. She screamed bloody murder and my doggos were like, simultaneously tilting their heads before going to hide x'D

Well, weather aside, let's talk about progress update!

Um, remember what I told you last week? I practiced on how to draw a wolf without overdoing it, but... I think I failed in a good way? ^^;

Here, let me just show you a sample:

Arya's past-life memory illustration ended up with a total of 28 images. A bit less compared with Kahlil's or Guntur's but in return, the quality got better (my excuse at my poor quality control OTL).

What else can I say? I had too much fun coloring his fur ><; 

*Ahem* In any case! We're finished with all 3 past-life memory illustrations and I will now focus on Arya's CGs for Winter Arc! *rolling up my sleeves* There are also a few things I need to prepare for the final Spring Arc, like touching up the worldmap (I foolishly forgot to draw the Spring Village on the worldmap) so yup, no programming for now!

That's it for now and see you again next week!
Take care and stay at home~



Q&A session part 18! 

1. What makes you laugh?-- by: NekoKarasu

Kahlil: "Sweets and my dad jokes!"

Guntur: *laughs*"Yeah, his dad jokes are the best."

Arya: "I don't know about laughing, but coffee and my bank account makes me happy."

Kahlil: "Looking at your bank account makes you happy? Me too--"

Arya: "It sometimes make me want to fucking cry and kill someone too."

Kahlil: "???"

2. How do you handle cockroaches? --by: NekoKarasu

*The bachelors are looking at each other in dismay*

Guntur: "We can handle cockroaches just fine, but it's an entirely different matter if it takes flight."

Kahlil : "Yeah, in that case, I'll... I'd probably do whatever it takes to take it down."

Arya: "Big talk coming from the one who ran away last time after throwing a fucking tumbler at it and missed. Maybe I should call you 'chicken' instead of 'fox'."

*Arya threw a look at disdain at Kahlil but before he could refute, Guntur suggested:*

Guntur: "How about we look for the nearest pesticide?"

Arya: "As long as you don't fucking aim it at my face, we're good."

Kahlil: "...Arya, you're still holding a grudge against me, aren't you? It was an accident!"

Arya: "Piss off!"


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