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Project Ikaros v1.0

A downloadable game

Project Ikaros is now available—the seventh 2400 microgame. In terms of rules material, this one expands quite a bit upon the "talents" introduced in Eos, with a bunch more psychic powers to choose from. In terms of scenario prompts, this one is much more geared toward action-movie-style one-shots, including a list of 20 places I really like to see fight/chase scenes. (Don't even get me started on the story behind that "Dancing Queen" one.) 

This game might also be the most vague of those I've uploaded, at least when it comes to actually explaining what you will be doing during play. I'm hoping it's obvious enough, but if it's not, please tell me so I can update it accordingly! The way I picture it, at least, it'll go something like this....

  1. Your group decides you're playing a group of agents who are just trying to keep psychics from hurting themselves or others. 
  2. The GM rolls for some details to define the runner who you'll be going after. You investigate.
  3. Agitators might get in the way and heighten the danger. You're under orders not to kill, but to apprehend, though. 
  4. You try to convince the psychic that coming into Ikaros will get you training, help you get your powers under control, and open up new career opportunities if you'd like to stick around. (Hooray!)
  5. Optional: You eventually find out that Ikaros is actually way more horrible than you ever imagined. (Yikes!)

Or, alternatively....

  1. Your group decides you're playing a group of rogues who are trying to save people from the shadowy Ikaros conspiracy.
  2. If anybody decides to play a runner, the session is about trying to get any runners to safety. If everybody decides to play an agitator, there might be some other operation—getting to a new runner before Ikaros does, trying to get intel from a mole in Ikaros (who doesn't even remember they're a mole because you have to wipe their memory after every meeting to protect them), launching an attack on Ikaros, etc.
  3. You eventually cross paths with agents, and there is a fight or a chase. (Exciting!)
  4. Optional: You eventually find out that you're the baddies. (Oops!)

tl;dr: I tried to make a game that feels like it could run "X-men meets Akira." Hope it works!

Finally, this update also includes a new version of Eos—only two days into release! I corrected an error with fonts (one column was still in Roboto Condensed), and also changed the wording of the Nosebleed power (which now always gives or exacerbates a hindrance, as piling multiple risks into one roll should be infrequent at most). 

If you give any of the new rules a try from any of these games, please feel free to let me know! And if you're interested in playing 2400 games with others online, you might want to check out the Inner System Blues Discord server that some players set up. I'm not running it myself, but I like what I see in the rules and policies so far, and it seems like a swell bunch.


  • 2400 70 MB
    Oct 19, 2020
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