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Welcome! and General Information

Block Breaker Alpha 1.0
A browser game made in HTML5

Welcome! I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself, this being my first devblog post and all.

I started my programming journey in my senior year of high school, where I worked on my first game. It was a text based adventure game, which barely even passed all of the requirements for the assignment. What I didn't realize at the time, this would ultimately draw me to pursue game development.

Fast forward a couple years to my second year at U.C. Berkeley. I started off in the College of Engineering studying Mechanical Engineering, but realized early on that it was just too much physics for me (now I know I'll never be able to escape the subject). I wanted to switch to Computer Science, but being extremely competitive and losing my academic momentum, I ended up taking some time off to pursue game development more freely.

Today, I have four games behind me and hopefully many more to come! You can see my second game, Stranded, on my page. It was really just a way for me to get used to building games and publishing them, but if you feel inclined to play it then be my guest. A couple of my games are not easily publishable but you aren't missing anything.

Now I have my block breaker game in alpha with plans to expand on and learn from it. At the moment, it has five levels (hopefully in increasing difficulty, but I'll have that feedback soon enough), as well as start, win, game over, and credits pages. You can check out each of the levels in the images I've included. The game is by no means pretty or refined, as a matter of fact there are still plenty of bugs and features. Still, I am more than happy to share this with everyone!

To my friends and family and any mutual friends who have or will play this game, I thank you so much. Without you, I would not have been able to get to this point. To any other developers that may have stumbled on this game, I'm a willing and eager learner and would greatly appreciate any tips, suggestions or advice you may have.

I don't want this to drag on too long, I'd actually rather you play and review the game! There is a link below which will take you to a survey about the game; if you will, take some time to leave a comment or a review. As always thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy!

Block Breaker Review


  • 7 MB
    Oct 06, 2020
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