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Week 12 - Updates / Planned Updates

A browser game made in HTML5

Final final checkpoint Devlog

Hey all, this will be my final Devlog for the checkpoints on Assignment 4. Its been an absolute joy to build this game, and don't worry, I'll still be working on this game over summer break (will need something to do :P ). 

Last Tuesday we had our Assignment 3 testing session. I really enjoyed it. Interacting and testing other peoples games was a lot of fun. Hopefully the feedback I gave was helpful.
I received a lot of positive and constructive feedback, most of it was little touch ups and a few were major additions. I was able to touch up a couple of things and even add one of the major ones, which I will go into now.

Touch ups

A few of the testers expressed that the text colour in  the Dialogue and Control scenes was hard to read and that it should be brightened. 
I initially lightened it up and found that the bright red was even worse. Instead I darkened the colour to almost black. This made the text much easier to read than it was.

Some testers reported not knowing where the exit was or what it looked like. This lead to some confusion as to what to do when running around the level. To fix the issue, I added a picture and line of text to the control screen showing players what to look for. Hopefully this should fix this issue.

Major additions

Bonus points
Initially I had added points for reaching the exit and now killing enemies. Some of the testers asked for bonus points for reaching the exit quickly. I wasn't quite sure how to do this straight away, but after thinking about it for a while I came up with an idea.

In the PlayerCollectScore script I added a bonusScore variable, that started off at 10. From there I added a coroutine that at every 6 seconds it would -1 from the bonusScore variable and when the player collided with the exit (thus moving to the next level) it would add on whatever was left of the bonusScore, and then reset it to 10 for the next level. 
Now there are three separate ways of building your score!

Out of mana sound

Another request was a sound to denote being out of mana. Hence I added a small hopefully-not-to-intrusive effect when you click to fire the LAZOR and don't have enough mana.

Planned updates

There were a lot of great ideas that will probably/hopefully be coming sometime of summer break. Here are a few I particularly like.
Adding hit points to the enemies, especially the bigger ones. 
Changing the particle effects per enemy so a skeleton dies in a shower of bones, and the golem in a shower of rubble.
Different game modes, such as infinite mana mode, huge amount of ricochet mode etc.
Different levels with different enemies. Such ice levels with ice monsters, and fire levels with fire monsters.

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