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Sex Strike
A browser game made in HTML5

It's been a lot of time and it isn't much but I've got the weapon switching system working and am working on getting it applied to the rest of the equipment slots. I've also got how I'm going to implement spells and consumables planned out but that hasn't been started yet. I'm not updating the actual game until this is done but I'm gonna do my best to make it as good as I can... even if the UI is little bit schizophrenic. 

I have a main Menu, which, though unfinished as of right now, will have a small display at the bottom showing your current save file, what race your character is, what level they are, etc.

The status screen shows the character in the top right, she has her weapon in her hand, and I'm sorry about the text: my game engine doesn't do text well- it smooths automatically with no option to turn it off, it's very frustrating. But you can see a little button next to the Level counter, that's to level you up when you have enough EXP. That will be gone in the next version, it will be done automatically. The map button will take you to the dungeon in the next version, but once I have some more dungeons to explore it will take you to a map. The house is a temporary Sprite, it will take you to town. The armor rack with the axe takes you to the equipment screen, the backpack to the inventory for crafting materials and consumables, and the spellbook to the... well... spellbook. The save button has also been revamped and looks a lot nicer, now, I think.

This equipment screen is what I was referring to with schizophrenic: the equipment screen looks like it's for a different game! It isn't finished yet, the slots for armor have to be made and put in place, but everything shown here is fully functional right now. You'll note the bars under the names of the items, the bar furthest right will have a number showing the level of the weapon/armor piece, and the long bar will show how close you are to levelling it up. You double click the item to open the window to squeeze cum on it for upgrades, but that hasn't been implemented just yet either.

The dungeon's UI isn't finished yet. There will be a button for you to bail from the dungeon early at the cost of half the EXP you've gathered that run, but it could be worth it given that losing will cost you all of the EXP you gained that run. The walls are also messed up but I'm working hard on that. You can see an enemy in this one, sitting there blocking the hall. If you run into her, you will be taken into battle.

The background and buttons for items and spells aren't done yet on the battle screen. The big red bar is that of the enemy you are facing, while the green and blue bars are your health and mana respectively. The Sword is how you know when an enemy is about to attack , at least for now, and if you land a hit while the enemy is winding back to hit you, you will stun them, diabling their ability to attack for a short time, though they can do the same to you as well. Your own weapons affect the combat a bit as well: Swords are fast, both getting ready to strike faster and critting more than the other weapons, where as hammers are slow and hard to crit but do more damage. Axes are the middle ground there.

That's all I have to show at the moment but I'm going to post status updates every Sunday from now on until this game is wholly completed. I look forward to hearing what all you think about my progress thus far, and, eventually, the actual release of the game.

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