Posted October 05, 2020 by Riley
Link to game testing survey:
Feedback and/or suggestions from testing:
Positive feedback received included was that the game runs smoothly. During the testing I had no feedback on whether the game had dips in frame rate or lagged. Some testers stated that they liked the implementation of the door system. Stating that, while simple, the need for a player input on the door instead of automatic opening gave the game more depth. A couple of testers asked how the ranged enemies worked with their stopping, chasing and fleeing distance from the player. They liked how it was implemented saying that it was a nice addition and prevents the enemies from being too hard/easy. On the topic of difficulty, I had doubts while developing that the health of the enemies was too high. This turned out to be the opposite, feedback received was stating that it was in a good spot.
However, I got a good lot of constructive criticism for my current build. Some testers found that the ranged enemies were shooting too fast or that the speed of the bullets was too fast. One tester also mentioned that the bullets size was a little small and hard to see, unintentionally making the game harder. Currently testing the bullets at 1/2 speed and double size.
Testers found that it wasn't clear that enemies spawned in when entering a room. A suggestion I got would be to add a "tripwire" or the like to give the player a visual indication that when you cross that enemies will spawn. On visual indications, another tester suggested I add visual or audible representation for enemies being hit. A particle effect or sound effect for example. Some enemies were found to go out of sync with their shooting patterns too.
A health pick up to restore lost health has been suggested by most of the testers.
Multiple testers asked about how to restart the game once you're killed. At the moment, restarting is only done by refreshing the page but a restart mechanic being added.
Fair amount of feedback I got. Hopefully I can fix/implement the suggestions before the end of semester.
Overall, I'd say good testing session.
I have since increased the size and reduced the speed of the enemy bullets. As I state in my devlog above "bullet size was a little small and hard to see, unintentionally making the game harder." The game should have challenge but that challenge shouldn't come from not being able to see in coming hazards. The size has been quadrupled and the speed went from 20 to 15. However, after some secondary tsting we found that 15 was still too fast and now the speed is at 50%, 10.
Added a restart mechanic. Now when the players health gets to zero the level restarts.