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Polish and UI

A browser game made in HTML5

Hey there Dungeonator readers, welcome to the next devlog for my game. This week's topic is on UI and polish. To be honest I've not spent a great deal of time on this weeks checkpoint as much as I should have and wanted to and ultimately won't have that much to show for this weeks work but I will show what I've got and go into detail the plans for the rest of the UI and polish aspects of my game to come. Regarding the polish aspects for the game, I've mainly been fixing past issues from feedback given from students and teachers to make the game function better and look more appealing to the players, other aspects to focus on is to make sure its more user friendly and also add particles to the game for when an enemy dies (blood most likely, but not super gory so that the game still caters for people of most ages without scaring them too much) and possibly with the player when they pick up an item from a chest.

Regarding the UI for the game a basic title screen has been created for Dungeonator with buttons to begin the game and quit the game. There will eventually be an end game scene once rooms have been completed to inform the player that they've beaten the game and a back to menu and play again button in the end game scene. Another UI scene that will need to be implemented is when the player dies, will they need to start over or start that room again which will need to be determined. It'll most likely be restarting back in the specific room you died in as having to restart from scratch will probably be quite frustrating like other games I've played in the past, and this may deter people from wanting to play the game.

Title Scene
Another UI implemented part of the game is dialogue. I've created initial dialogue associated with the wizard on the beginning dungeon room but don't currently have a GIF made to show it as I'm having trouble displaying the dialogue when the player walks over and interacts with the wizard, this issue should hopefully be fixed soon. The game won't have a large amount of dialogue associated with it but will have some throughout the different rooms.

The last example of the UI implemented so far into my game is the players health bar and it decreasing when the player collides with an enemy. The player will also be able to replenish health and collect coins once they have been implemented. The GIF below shows the interaction between player and enemy and show make the health decrease each time the enemy collides with the player but its not working properly and will have to determine if its something wrong with the code or it could possibly be the player being the issue as I've set it so the player doesn't get deleted on load when changing rooms, to allow the player to keep the items they've picked up.

Decrease Health Bug (To be fixed)
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