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Happy Screenshot Saturday, this time we're taking a deeper look into the Crocuta family!

A browser game made in HTML5

Hello, and happy Screenshot Saturday! This weekend, we're taking a look into more of Ruth's family!

Introducing... Peanut and Jelly Crocuta - Ruth's parents! They've got a big family (7 kids!), but they care very deeply about each one. So when they find their daughter sneaking back in the house very late at night in one of the worst neighborhoods in town... It makes sense if they're more than a little peeved at her.

Peanut Crocuta is a confident and headstrong (as well as just regular strong) woman who works in the mechanic's shop in West Hyades. She's got a fierce love for her children and won't let ANYTHING happen to them. Even she's a bit brash and tends to let her emotions get to her, it's clear to see that Ruth's confidence must have stemmed from her.

Jelly Crocuta is a very stable and caring man, with a hint of a rough past. Sure he's working a rather boring office job, and his dry jokes don't always land, but it's apparent from a glance that he helps tp balance out the family, and serves as a level-headed, loving father and husband. ...Even if he begins to regain that glint in his eye as he talks about how he used to "run rampant on the streets" in his youth.

Of course as you play, you might just find more of Ruth's siblings living their day-to-day lives throughout Hyades! If you haven't got the chance to explore Hyades yet though, check out our demo here on Itch! We'd love your thoughts on it if you do!

For now, take care, and have fun!

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