is community of indie game creators and players


So very close now.

A browser game made in HTML5

That's it.. I just found the last bug.  (LOL)

I'm closing in on the final stages of development so I'm making the game publicly visible and playable to everyone. It's still in development so I'd sincerely appreciate any bug reports or suggestions. 

Thanks - John

All programmers are optimists. Perhaps this modern sorcery especially attracts
those who believe in happy endings and fairy godmothers. Perhaps the hundreds
of nitty frustrations drive away all but those who habitually focus on the end
goal. Perhaps it is merely that computers are young, programmers are younger,
and the young are always optimists. But however the selection process works,
the result is indisputable: "This time it will surely run," or "I just found
the last bug."

- Frederick Brooks, Jr., The Mythical Man Month

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