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Changes and Bugs found on Version 3.4 (Read this first!)

Netronian Chaos
A downloadable mod

EDIT: oof i guess i was too harsh with the mechmedic’s damagefactor on normal damage. he’s now nerfed.

EDIT2: The damage of Reaver’s snowflakes got buffed. He’s a Hell Knight replacement, after all.

EDIT3: Mass Driver’s Projectile is slightly no more janky anymore. Like idle sound still playing during the explosion.

EDIT4: Also finally fixed the issue of Mass Driver’s projectile constantly playing footstep sound effects when exploding.

EDIT5: Fixed Aul playing sentinel’s pain sound

EDIT6: Just noticed that the burst SMG’s zoom function was janky. But now it’s all fixed.

EDIT7: Tiny Vulture nerfed because it wasn’t supposed to be this OP.

EDIT8: Neruba’s bombs are now act like a real projectile instead of just blocking the player’s way.

EDIT9: Damn! Almost forgot about the crushed enemies would constantly play gib sound effect. But it’s now fixed.

EDIT10: Grammatical errors on both cutscenes are fixed thanks to dnkakusei.

EDIT11: I think i overestimated Microgun Rifle, which it honestly isn’t. Now the Alt-Fire mode consumes less ammo and hitscan damage is increased.

EDIT12: Cryo Defender reloads slightly faster and the snowflake projectiles now travel more further. Redownload again, please!

Glad i’m uploading this whole project to Here’s the changes of today’s update, which it’s gonna be the final:[spoiler]- Download link changed! Now it’s available on and you also can donate humble ol’ me a bit of 2 bucks. But no worries. It’s just for a charity. You still can download mods for free.

  • Suggested by my lad openroadracer, the amount of every ammo has been readjusted.

  • Fixed the idle sound of explosive projectiles playing a bit longer after the explosion.

  • Graphical improvement on explosion animation, bloodsplosion animation, plasmasplosion animation, and… Ehh you git the idea

  • All the minor humanoid enemies now can be revived, unless they’re not gibbed, burned alive or crushed like millipedes inside of the tank treads.

  • decreased the volume of some idle servo and jet sound effects. Because man they eviscerate my poor eardrums for good if they’re in group.

  • Burst Pistol got a graphical upgrade! Looks much slicker and humble.

  • Added Quick kick! Also can be affected by the Berserk, but might stop you from moving because… Well, you can’t walk with only one leg.

  • Added hotkey of dropping the EMP Bolt. It acts like a lantern and can be useful in dark places.

  • Fixed Fierce Caliber pickup item not being picked up when you drop it… I hope so.

  • Added Fancy custom decals! It’s not so vanilla anymore!

  • Casings like 12.7mm ones do not Stand in the place where you areeeeeee that face north anymore.

And shamefully, here’s the bugs i’ve found during the gameplay that cannot be fixed all by myself. Help would be much needed, and appreciated for the hotfix!:

  • Automatic Weapons, like Machine Carbine and Microgun Rifle with custom Hold state acts really weird, like flickers to angled frame when you click on the fire button, while zoomed and out of ammo.

  • Also about both Microgun Rifle and the Annihilator, they both directly goes to Hold state after you deplete their mag in single click and then reload.

  • Is GZDoom’s 60fps display tricking me? The range of Soundwave Sword projectile looks somewhat shorter than Berserk one, which it wasn’t intended at all. I’m pretty sure both are the same thing except Berserk one spawns smoke trail.

  • Not really a bug, but i take any improvement of RNG crate spawn properly instead of using the homing projectile method. Sadly the projectile where it spawns the crate sometimes get stuck on props or the door.

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