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A browser game made in HTML5

Hello Dungeonator readers,

The topic of this weeks devlog is about enemies/interactions/puzzles and what has been achieved in these areas and things to come in the future that are being developed for Dungeonator to make sure that the game is fun to play but with some degree of challenge added for people to further enjoy.

Firstly, the enemies associated with the games weekly devlog are based off the KIT109 tutorial that delves into some of the different enemy behaviours that could be implemented into students games such as; movers, pursuers, seekers, fleers and wanderers. For the initial enemies I will use some of the mentioned behaviours which will ultimately depend on the desired outcome for each room and the number of enemies to be implemented. At the moment I've set up a couple of enemies stationed at a chest as a placeholder for now and they utilise the wanderer prefab with associated movement scripts so that in the future they only begin to move once the player has entered the  specific radius around the enemy but that's a work in progress. The GIF below shows them somewhat interacting with the player but is quite buggy as the animations aren't currently working and don't completely respond to player.

Early Enemy Interaction
Currently no puzzles have been added to any scenes yet but there will be some puzzles associated with different rooms. Technically you could say that locating the key and unlocking the correct door to enter other rooms could be considered as a puzzle, as the player has to traverse different locations and obstacles to obtain the right key for the right door. 

A puzzle based idea to be implemented into the game is that of a maze style room where the room will be basically empty besides the chosen background and the player will be required to traverse the room via a specific tiled path to reach the next location, and if you step on a tile not relating to the safe path the players health will either decrease by a certain amount and/or be teleported back to the beginning of the room each time the player steps on an incorrect tile.

Something to be implemented also in the future for the room seen in the GIF above is a secret door entrance, so that when the player interacts with the movable block, the player can push it away from the secret entrance to reveal a unique room to help them as they make their way through the dungeons.

The following GIFs relate to the player interacting with a couple of items/objects in the beginning scene of Dungeonator. The first shows the player as he interacts with a chest by pressing the spacebar to begin the animation for opening the chest and revealing the contents inside, and the player picking up the weapon by pressing 'x', more work is needed to resolve issues with having the weapon on the correct position of the player and having the weapons orientation change when the player moves in a different direction, to make it look like the player is holding the item consistently in all directions. Another weapon to be implemented is a bow for the player to fire arrows from at the enemies and possibly obstacles. The script used for the player is PickupWeapon based off some research from Google and assistance from tutors to fix up some issues.

Chest & Early Weapon Interaction
The other interaction that has been implemented into the early game of Dungeonator is that of picking up a key and unlocking a door to enter a new location, see GIF below. Like the sword, the player uses 'x' to pick up the key and walks over to the locked door. To unlock the door with the key the player presses 'T' and is immediately taken to the next room (It's blue as the room has not yet been created), this process was accomplished using an unlock door script that utilises parts from the weapon pickup script and sceneSwitcher script to verify if the player has the associated key for the door and has pressed 'T' thus allowing them to enter into a new location. Another type of door to be implemented into the game are physical doors within the scene that block off a portion of the room until the player unlocks it or defeats a specific enemy(s) allowing access to that area of the room.
Interaction with Key & Locked Door
Thanks for joining me for another Dungeonator devlog, I hope you can enjoy the game so far.
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