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Happy (late) Screenshot Saturday! We're happy to announce that YOU CAN NOW PLAY THE HYADES DEMO ON BOTH BROWSER AND DESKTOP!

A browser game made in HTML5

HAPPY (LATE) SCREENSHOT SATURDAY! We're so happy to announce that we've ported the demo of HYADES to both desktop and mobile browsers! It's easier than ever to try the demo for yourself!

We did have to make some modifications to make the game fit on browser and mobile to the sound and some minor animations, but it's still the same story and gameplay people get to experience with the main downloadable demo! This DOES mean that the "definitive" version is the downloadable version, but there's no wrong way to play HYADES!

Some general mobile tips and tricks:

-Tap with one finger for movement/selection, and tap with two fingers for pulling up the menu and cancelling!

-The game works best on "portrait" mode, as some users have experienced difficulty selecting their options in battle in "landscape" mode! Your mileage may vary, but it's always possible to play the game with the phone being upright versus on its side.

-When selecting party members, it works best when tapping on the left side of their character box! ...Trust us.

We hope these new ports make it easier to get your hands on and experience HYADES if you weren't able to otherwise! Of course, we'd love your feedback if you gave the demo a shot!

As always, take care, stay safe, and have fun!


    Sep 20, 2020
Download HYADES
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