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Melon Demon Island Postmortem (or something like that)

Melon Demon Island
A downloadable game for Windows

Welp, here we are. The post-jam version of Melon Demon Island is officially out, and my work on this project is done. It's kind of a weird feeling knowing that I've actually put a game out there for others to play. I've made some attempts at games before, and I got at least one to the point where it's technically playable (though I will not be publishing that one, as it's extremely unpolished and not very good), but I've never actually finished and published a game before now. It feels really good, though also hard to wrap my head around in some ways.

I got a lot of good feedback on Melon Demon Island, especially after the initial version. I'm so glad to hear most people liked it. I know it's not perfect, even now, but I'm happy with what I've created. I definitely learned a lot from making this game that I'll be sure to keep in mind when making the next one. So, again, to everyone who provided feedback, thank you so much. You have all been a huge help, and I can't thank you enough for all being so kind even when pointing out things I could have done better. I'm also very grateful for all of your words of encouragement, and for telling me all the things you liked about Melon Demon Island. I know this sounds cliched, but it really does all mean more than I can express.

So, if you're reading this, you may be wondering what my plans are for the next project. To be honest, there's not a lot I can say at this point. I do want to make another game - and hopefully many more from there - but I'm still figuring out a lot of details. I feel like I have a very general idea of what kind of game I want to make next, but not much is anywhere near set in stone yet. I'll post updates on my Twitter, so your best bet right now is to keep an eye on that if you want to know what's going on. I also want to create a blog at some point, which I'll be sure to mention on Twitter when I've gotten around to it.

I guess that's all there really is to say. It still feels weird wrapping this up and knowing I've officially finished work on a game. I hope you'll all look forward to my next project. See you all in the devlogs for whatever that may be!

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