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[Design & Mechanics ] - Main Menu & Loading

Estate of the Damned
A downloadable game

Another walkabout video, this time showing a rudimentary loading screen/Main Menu as well as adding some background music for ambience.

I have a lot of work re. sound design ahead of me, but have already started compiling effect noises such as ground dependent footsteps. This should be simple to implement for the player who has no physical body to look at, and slightly more complicated with the demon where the footsteps need to match its animation. Still, apart from being time consuming, I am fairly sure I know how to go about doing it.

The loading time I feel is abnormally slow, taking a full minute to get in game. Some of this will be resolved simply by chunking the level and loading the parts closest to the player first, but honestly I am unsure of the exact reason. The total assets so far are ~500mb considering the textures are all 1024 or less, and with an SSD you would think this loads in 2-3s, instead of ten times that.

It's only going to get slower, so this is something I will be looking into down the line but for now it's kinda irrelevant.

This is another step towards a full absolute basic demo of a house with an enemy that can hunt and kill you with some mechanic for defeating or evading it.



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