Posted September 16, 2020 by SETENTIA Studios
#unity #roadmap
Hey there! Since we re received a big influx of people over the past weeks, we decided to do a quick update about something we've been doing under the shadows. So, let's get it out of the way:
This is an incredible important change for our project, in regards of features, performance, visual effects and workflow!
We are currently doing a direct port. That means, in this step we are only focusing on making a 1:1 representation of what we had under our previous engine.
After that step is done, we plan of using 100% of what Unity allows us to do. Here's a tiny list of what we have planned:
As for gameplay features, everything will stay intact. However, we are planning to use multiple weapons at once, on story mode, and implement an AI feature that reacts to that. More info on this later.
Speaking of AI, we already worked on most of it:
[Smarty AI in action]
[Generic AI in action]
One of the things we are most proud about, is the "what you see is what you get" workflow. That makes things incredibly fast. Plus, we run scripts inside the editor itself, so we don't need to compile each time we do a little change. The editor itself is our game! We also took advantage of these called Gizmos, so we can quickly see what triggers what, in a quick glance:
Good thing is that most of the features are already implemented on this Unity port, but still there's a bunch to do, specially on the multiplayer side of things, but since we improved our workflow a lot (we are implementing 2 or 3 features each day!) we believe this will be done super fast.
Speaking of progress and what to do, here's a nice picture to let you see where we at:
We also decided to do another 100% sale, so you can get a taste of what we have. Mind you, this is old technology already, Unity port is not finished on current build.
Well, that's it for now. Hope you are as excited as we are, and thanks for your continued support over the years!