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Oh what a Glorious Dawn!

Glorious Dawn
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Oh boy, this next sentence is gonna be quite a cliche but I don't exactly care.

If you had asked me two months ago, "Hey Bryon, do you think in two months time you will own a video game development studio with three employees, have an office, and have launched a public release of your first title?" Had you asked me so ludicrous a question, I would have given you a weird look maybe, and asked you if you were patronizing me. Real crazy stuff, real crazy stuff.  In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller: "Life moves pretty fast...."

Well regardless, here we are. Copernicus has been released, the patreon page is up, and I have thrown a link to this itch page on like 6 separate subreddits. Now we just have to wait, right? INCREDIBLY WRONG! 

Ain't no rest for the wicked and money don't grow on no goddamn tree, so Bryon's gotta get up and start working on version Kepler, cause solar systems are sorta dope. The march of progress is forever forward. I'll make sure to keep posting updates on this page as to what has been worked in the past few days. It is my goal to have version Kepler released by Mid-October, and so it is that I swear this goal to you. You the loyal fan and reader, your fealty shall be greatly rewarded in due time.

From all of us at Big Owl Interactive, thanks for checking out our project, and remember, an even more Glorious Dawn awaits.


Bryon Karger, CEO of Big Owl Interactive


  • Glorious Dawn v0.0 47 MB
    Sep 16, 2020
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